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Rizomas | A film by Carolina Montejo | 42 min
With the support of
The Russell Foundation Grant & The Tinker Research Grant CILAS
With performances and stories by
Heidi Pernett, Cynthia Navarro, Gloria Guerrero, Cooper Bates, Oliver Ayres, beck Haberstroh, Maria Antonia Eguiarte, Kirstyn Hom, Olivia Utt-Montejo,
Red de Mujeres Construyendo Futuro.
The Secret Life of Plants, ©2002, ETI & Dr Lawrence Jensen, School of Biological Sciences,University of Auckland, New Zealand
Leffas Oracle Deck by: Robert Davis, ©2021Carolina Montejo
Virtual Ecology by: Paola Montejo, ©2021Carolina Montejo
Music by: Tonada | Tonada Records
Production Assistant Bogotá: Vannesa Sánchez Téllez
Camera and Drone (Bogotá): Ricardo Campos
Director of Photography (16mm): Justin McHugh
Costume: Lauryn Smith & Gloria Guerrero
Additional Voices by: Maisa Covaleda and Carolina Montejo
© Carolina Montejo, 2021
Rizomas expands on feminist eco plural thought, moving simultaneously between the precision of words, the plurality of oral tradition, the atmospheric components of sound, the performative possibilities of the body, and the constancy of the the material world through the moving image. Each of these components are present as branches that touch on documentary practices, ethnographic collaborations, poetry and voice-over narration, 3D modeling and animation, analogue and digital technology hybrids, as well as social and environmental advocacy.
*For screenings and excerpts, please contact me at c@carolinamontejo.com